
Jan Pieter Posthuma

Jan Pieter
Jan Pieter

Microsoft Data consultant Jan Pieter has helped multiple clients as a data architect in solving their data scenarios with Microsoft Power BI and the Azure Data Platform. His technical knowledge is always up-to-date, and he can align current trends – e.g., Big Data and IoT – with actual business (domain) challenges.

Besides customer work, Jan Pieter is active within the Microsoft Data Platform Community (PASS Nederland) by co-organizing the Dutch DataSaturday and the Microsoft Power BI community as 'PUG Leader' for the Special Interest Group Power BI for Developers and presenting at local and foreign events. Combined with additional professional knowledge – e.g. project management and agile/scrum – Jan Pieter is the ideal partner in identifying, designing, and solving customers data scenarios.

Jan Pieter is also the creator of several Power BI Custom Visuals, including the widely used HierarchySlicer, D3.js Visual and Box and Whisker chart.

Project experience

Jan Pieter worked on several projects at different companies. Below is a selection of his achievements:

  • For a company active in charging electric cars, Jan Pieter has helped design and implement an Azure data platform architecture. As a result, the company has better insights into the (customer) activities and a stable and future-oriented data platform.
  • To understand the operational risks are correctly mapped for all software applications used, Jan Pieter has designed and implemented a dashboard environment for an international bank.
  • For a company in the automotive branch, Jan Pieter has added additional analytical possibilities to the ongoing BI project to better understand the employability of their vehicle fleet.
  • For an internationally operating maritime company, Jan Pieter has quality tested (QA) the interim deliveries of an outsourcing company. As a result, the quality of the solution delivered is in line with the rest of the solutions within the company.
  • Together with a hosting company, Jan Pieter has designed a new SQL Server platform to consolidate multiple (smaller) data platforms capable of allocating and using the server resources as effectively as possible. This platform has been tested via a proof of concept (PoC) and finally also included in the product catalog.


Jan Pieter has given several presentations on community events. Below is a selection of the most current For a complete overview see:

Community projects

Jan Pieter has created and is maintaining several community projects that are publicly available, at no cost. All code is available through on Github.

  • Event Viewer, Power BI Custom Visual: AppSource
  • Box and Whisker chart, Power BI Custom Visual: AppSource
  • Hierarchy Slicer, Power BI Custom Visual: AppSource
  • D3.js Visual, Power BI Custom Visual: AppSource
  • Power BI CLI, CLI for Power BI REST APIs: NPM
  • Azure Data Factory, Azure DevOps pipeline extension: Marketplace
  • Azure Analysis Service, Azure DevOps pipeline extension: Marketplace

Certifications and awards


The easiest way to contact Jan Pieter Posthuma is via contact. Jan Pieter Posthuma also has a technical blog.